Recurring dreams are like letters, like messages from within which we are writing and sending to ourselves over and over again.
Sometimes, a whole dream repeats itself, sometimes only certain sequences or feelings and sometimes we just see repeating patterns. This can continue over days, weeks and even up to months. Many people have recurring dreams even since their early childhood.
The Talmud says:
"A dream which is not interpreted
is like a letter which is not read."
What do recurring dreams try to tell us?
In general, we can say that recurring dreams show us blockages. There is still something in us which blocks us. Recurring dreams can also show us our anger, sadness, fear, despair, shame.
The question now is:
Is there something I don’t want to see?
Don’t want to feel?
Maybe, my mind is blocking me from coming to an awareness or taking the appropriate actions based on my awareness?
These are the key questions we must ask ourselves when it comes to recurring dreams.
Groundhog Day
In order to better depict the image of a recurring dream, let's use the movie "Groundhog Day" with Bill Murray.
He stars in the role of the TV weatherman Phil who could easily be described as a professional cynic. He is being assigned with his colleagues – a camera man and the news producers Rita – to cover the yearly Groundhog Day festivities in a small town in the US, in Punxsutawney.
Phil discovers his feelings for Rita but is failing miserably in his attempts to impress her. But moreover, he realizes that he is trapped in a time loop waking up at 6 o'clock in the morning over and over and over and over again.
Similar to recurring dreams which keep on knocking on our doors...
How is Phil able to stop the time loop?
Being trapped over days, weeks and months, he starts to change, slowly but surely. After going through a mix of different emotions, he finally starts to surrender and just tries to take in his surroundings.
What is really happening every day?
Is reality as I see it or can I change my perception – since I can’t change anyone else but me?
So, he starts to learn, every day, again and again.
He discovers a lot of pleasure in small, little things
He tries out new activities, especially in arts and music
He discovers a depth within himself which he would never thought possible
Thus, the professional cynic and grouch slowly starts to embrace life. And this is the key. His joy of being himself and his joy within himself, in a humble way.
Without even realizing or attempting to, his inner peace with himself and his surroundings are bringing him closer to his deepest wish - gaining Rita's heart. When he does, the time loop ends.
What does the movie Groundhog Day teaches us?
This story is a beautiful analogy in approaching recurring dreams. We are also being trapped in a time loop - if we do have recurring dreams.
We should then also start to look inside of us and listen more carefully
We should let go of all of these mental constructs which we all do have
Let's start to go with the flow of life and let life guide us
Live our passions
Recurring dreams also do provide us orientation through dream symbols and pictures.
They tell us what is good for us and what not and thus help us to overcome barriers and blockages.
They help us to reach inner peace and more joy - something we all long for in our lives.
These feelings are different for every person and, thus, also all dreams are different. Even though recurring dreams may seem to have the same themes, the same overarching topic, the introspection is always different, always unique. As is every human being.
Let’s have a look at a few examples
Dream #1 – “I’ve been having recurring dreams of driving a car, but I’m in the back seat, behind the driver’s seat.”
The key question is: What is the meaning of a car?
What is the essence of a car? The answer: A car brings us from A to B.
Who is the driver? Am I driving? In this case I need to check how am I conducting myself from A to B.
In this example, the dream says no - as I am sitting in the back seat. Why am I not the conductor in my life? Where else in my life do I let myself be steered by others? Sitting in the backseat means: It is vital to have a look at my past.
The dreamer should ask herself/himself: What did I experience in my past which prevents me now from taking my life into my own hands? So, that I can decide by myself on how and where I want to go to in my life.
Dream #2 – “Why do I have reoccurring dreams of being late for a class even though I'm not anymore in school?”
The key dream pictures are: class / school.
Which school do I attend? Elementary, higher education, studies?
Who old was I at that time?
How did I feel back then? What were my wishes and desires? What did I like and dislike?
Which class do I attend: Mathematics, languages, sports, etc.?
Or did I attend a class I have not attended in real life? Then we have to look at this class in more details.
The dreamer should then ask herself/himself:
What is it that I should be learning? What could be the reason on “being late”? It is important to connect the dots between the dream and the real life in order to discover the deeper meaning.
Dream #3 – “Lately, I’ve been having a lot of dreams about a former classmate I used to have a crush on. She and I were talking, and we kiss, and out of nowhere we become a couple. I freak out every time I wake up. Why is this happening?”
The key dream pictures are: former classmate / school / intimate relationship:
How old were you at that time?
Which school did you attend?
How did you feel back then?
What are the key personality traits of your classmate?
This is a wonderful dream as the dreamer connects in a very intimate way with his/her awareness part. Why though does the dreamer freak out when he/she wakes up? Is it about being afraid of being intimate? Does he/she think that he/she is betraying a partner? Or is she/he too afraid of being too close to herself/himself?
Dream #4 – “I keep having a dream that I am failing in my job, constantly trying to do better. Why is this?”
This dream is all about the job so the dreamer can ask herself/himself an array of questions:
What is my profession?
Which company do I work for?
What is my relationship with colleagues and my boss?
The dreamer has a feeling of inadequacy. Why does he/she have the feeling of failing? Why is there the need of “constantly trying to do better”? There must be old pattern and believes which also have an impact on the current job.
Embrace your dreams
These are only a few examples but they show us how wonderful dreams are, what they are capable of showing us and how they take us by the hand in order to give us answers to our deepest questions. Our dreams encourage us to live life to the fullest.
You would like to know more about dreams and their meaning? Book your an individual Dream Counseling session here: